What is a dark post?
Dark posts are also known as “unpublished posts”. This means that you create a post targeted to a specific audience and set it up so that it is delivered only to those people. This is beneficial because:
You can target a very specific audience. This allows you to create as many ads as you would like without spamming your followers. It also means that your ad dollars are only being spent on the audience you choose.
You avoid ad-only streams. Always seeing ads on Facebook is not only aggressive, it also tends to push away your audience. Facebook dark posts are specific and sensitive so they don’t blast all of your followers with the same information.
You reach people in a more organic way. Dark posts don’t appear as “sales-y” as normal Facebook ads, so your audience is less likely to be turned off by them.
You receive a detailed report of the effectiveness of each post. Facebook provides extensive and specific reporting for dark posts that allows you to make changes to optimize its effectiveness.
Remember, social media is meant to be social!
Here is an example of an extremely effective dark post we have used for one of our clients, Salt Lake Regional Medical Center:
This dark post is targeted to reach women from the age of 39-44 years old who have an upcoming birthday. We know what you might be thinking, “how does Facebook know?!” Well, don’t be alarmed, but we can get just about as detailed as our ideas will allow us. Which is great for businesses wanting to target such specific audiences!
Salt Lake Regional has had an incredible reaction to these posts and has doubled the amount of online referrals through Facebook for scheduling online mammos.
At Duo, we believe in dark posts. Let us help you stay social!