When it comes to contracting out your marketing, it can feel like you have options around every corner. A quick Google search will bring up a long list of companies who will do your marketing for you. Marketers are a dime a dozen.
So, why are you contracting out your marketing? Are you looking for well-designed marketing materials? Do you need a better website? Or are you just checking the box because you know you should put some money into marketing and you don’t want to leave any stone unturned when it comes to the growth of your business? It’s important to start by evaluating why you’re looking to hire someone for marketing.
Today’s business owners need a paradigm shift. It is easy to hope a great new website will solve your problems, or think that newly designed marketing materials will attract tons of new customers. The reality of the situation is that effective marketing is a process. No one acts based on one impression anymore. A smart company takes an integrated approach to their marketing and coordinates multiple touch points to drive their customers toward a purchase.
Sounds like a lot of work, we know. Fortunately, that is why we are here for you to hire. At Duo Marketing Group, we offer a team of people with expertise in all kinds of touch points. We’ve got designers who know how to make people see your fliers and billboards and remember your name. We have digital advertising experts who know how to target the kinds of people who need what your company has to offer. We have content creators who make professional videos that leave an impression and lead people to visit your website. Then we have our web team consider how to make your website not just look good, but convert website visits to purchases. All the while, we have account managers monitoring customer’s interactions to keep optimizing the process.
Each piece of this process is effective in its own right, but the total package can take your company to another level. Many businesses get a website from one company, print ads from another, and let yet another manage their social presence. All these companies may be great at what they do, but allowing so many different teams to manage all these aspects of their marketing can make their branding inconsistent. At Duo, we can manage all advertising aspects in a coherent and strategic way in order to maximize your results.