Marketing Expense? No, Digital Marketing is an Investment

When running a business, you have a lot of expenses to worry about. With location costs, wages to pay, and supplies to buy, it can feel like all you do is spend money. When there is so much to pay for, it is a constant effort to cut out non-essentials. But where should marketing rank in your list of expenses? Trick question – when you partner with Duo, marketing isn’t an expense, it’s an investment.

People don’t generally think of marketing as an investment, why? As defined, an investment is something you buy with the intent of generating future income. Marketing dollars are definitely spent with the intent of generating future income, but they are often missing another crucial part of normal investments: measurable results. We all know it is important to bring customers through the doors, but it can be easy to cut marketing funds when you don’t know how many sales are tied to your marketing.

Traditional marketing, like radio and billboard ads, are great options for brand awareness, but after they see these touch points they are more likely to go find you online. It is important to know which tools are fueling which parts of the marketing funnel and be sure you have each piece in place. This is why we are a full service marketing group because traditional always works better coupled with a digital strategy. Spending money only on one peice of the marketing funnel is one mistake that prevents businesses from measuring how effective their marketing is.

For an amateur, maybe the online part of the funnel remains hard to track. But when you’re working with the pros, it’s a totally different game. Professional digital marketers are able to track how many people see your website, what they look at, how long they spent on each page, and so much more. We can even tie offline purchases to online actions. This means when you work with us you won’t just see money leaving your checking account, you’ll also see how and where money is coming back in!

Here at Duo Marketing Group, we offer a perfect blend of creativity and data. We produce content your customers will love and engage with because we understand the data. We believe in taking the personal preference and subjectivity out and focusing on what is working. By tracking a complete set of key indicators we can continuously adjust and fine tune to be sure you’re always getting the most out of your advertising budget. When you come in to meet with our team we will give you real-time updates on how your ads are performing and we can make an actionable plan to keep improving your results! Together, we find the most effective ways to maximize the ROI on the money you invest in your marketing efforts.
