Digital Marketing like it’s 2014, not 1999

by | Jul 9, 2014 | Uncategorized

Today, we are experiencing the biggest culture shift the world has ever seen! The internet and mobile devices are changing the way every industry operates. Digital marketing requires more aggressive tactics than it ever has before. By shifting your marketing focus from desktop to optimized mobile consumption, you’re delivering what your clients want – right where they want it.

Social Networking

If your business doesn’t have a Facebook page, Twitter profile, or Instagram account, you could be missing out on some excellent opportunities to engage with your customers about your products and services. Potential customers are checking in on their social media accounts via mobile devices multiple times throughout the day.

Smaller, More Relevant Content

Content is king when it comes to driving customers to your business online marketing. Whether you post videos, pictures, or articles, content marketing has the potential to offer your customers something for FREE. Which will increase the chances they will actually purchase something from you in the long run. Try focusing on smaller, more relevant bites of information that your customers can grab quick and easy while checking out your site or on your social media accounts.

Visual, Visual, Visual

They say a picture is worth a thousand words – what kind of picture communicates the right thousand words about your brand? It’s the visual-based social networks that are currently growing the most rapidly. If your target audience is on Instagram, you should be too. Not on Instagram? Let’s figure out how to visually capture their attention on Facebook.


What are your favorite social media outlets for marketing?
