My name is Max Lyons and I am the newest intern here at Duo Marketing Group! I was born and raised in the Logan area and have loved living here. What I like most about Logan is that we live near the mountains, which means I am able to ski in the winter. I will be starting my first year at Utah State University in the fall, studying business.
I found that I really enjoy being in the business world after I took my first business class in middle school. It was a basic class that mainly covered the fundamentals of starting a business and properly marketing it. Something about being able to take a product or idea and turn it into something amazing just really caught my attention. I then continued to take many business classes in High School and eventually decided that I would like to pursue that in my career. I am really excited to be here at Duo and be able to see what I have learned all these years in real life situations.
I love that what we do, here at Duo, is helping other businesses achieve their goals. It has been a great experience so far learning how to cater to our clients and create campaigns customized to their specific needs. It feels good to be able to play a part in making their business that amazing thing that caught my attention back in middle school. I have already learned lots, and can’t wait to see what is to come throughout the rest of my time spent at Duo.